Gerard Gauvin's "Calypso"
I asked my friend and long-time collaborator of “O Mar das Garrafas" (The Sea of Bottles”) Gérard Gauvin, to do me the honor of publishing something of his. I suggested Jean Jacques Costeau's "Calypso" and lo and behold, he sent me a complete "tutorial" on his wonderful "Calypso", including a historical introduction to such an important scientific research vessel. Although long, even in one language, I think readers will enjoy reading and watching "Calypso" by Gérard Gauvin. This post is the Christmas gift from O MAR DAS GARRAFAS and Gerard is our Santa Claus! The Calypso A little history Originally "Calypso" was a minesweeper whose construction began on August 12, 1941 in the shipyards of the BMRC (Ballard. Marine. Railways. Company) at the port of Seattle in the United States. "Calypso" was one of the 561 ships ordered by the British Navy at the start of the Second World War, was baptized under the first registrati...